Why a Home Warranty is Important

 Now that you're familiar with the differences between a home warranty and homeowners insurance, you might have a question. Do I really need a home warranty, or can I live without it? It's a reasonable question, and anyone looking to save money will naturally want to avoid adding an extra expense to their monthly budget. But budget-savvy homeowners know that it isn't worth being penny wise and pound foolish.

Yes, you could save a little bit each month if you don't get yourself a home warranty. But what happens when an appliance breaks down? According to recent polls, homeowners pay anywhere from $250-$700 per appliance to have it fixed. And those are conservative estimates. If you go with the right home warranty service, you can get a year's worth of coverage for around $300. This covers all of your appliances. So, even if one appliance breaks down, you've already covered your premiums.

Of course, if your appliances are all brand new and you aren't worried about paying out of pocket to have repairs done, then a home warranty might not be necessary. Do the calculations for yourself, and most homeowners come out ahead of the game with a good home warranty service covering their homes.

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