How To Become A Millionaire On An Average Salary

No matter how un-materialistic you are, you have to admit, it would be nice not to worry whether or not you can afford that 80p sausage roll from Gregg’s.
Today, the average income of an adult in the UK is £21,000 according to HM Treasury budget analysis.

can save £200 a month (or £6.60 a day) with a five per cent rate of return
The calculation, using

 The millionaire calculator: How long to make £1m off your savings or investments

'The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest' - so said Albert Einstein. That's some claim but once you see how returns build on returns each year it's easy to see why he was so impressed. The official mid-point guidance for annual stock market returns is 6 per cent. Try adding that in and see at what age you might be able to save £1million.

Julia Roberts just earned about £2.1 million for her four-day shoot for her latest film, Mother’s Day.

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